Finished my (Rail Baron) Con-Cor Hudson conversion.
Changed the feed water heater to the correct Worthington heater that I made a laytex casting from my brass 2-10-4 Texas.
Used brass for the handrails, throttle linkage, FW Heater, other piping, etc.
Upper marker lights.
Still need to blacken side rods.
The PT-4 tender was cast from my brass Niagara tender.
Centipede chassis I used a Athearn one with all wheel pickup using plugs for hook up to engine.
Had to do a bit of milling on the Athern chassis to fit my PT-4 casting.
Tender weights are fishing weights drilled through the middle and glued to cut off posts.
Uses the factory tender hook up.
MT coupler.
Last was adding the blackened side rods, looks better.
Don't like to use paint on plastic side rods. So I always use use permanent black markers in a medium & small tip.