Author Topic: Improved Bachmann Berk  (Read 1410 times)

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Improved Bachmann Berk
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:22:42 PM »
Hi everyone.

Here's a video of one of my Bachmann Berkshires after making several adjustments/changes/improvements:

Here's a summary of what I've done so far.

1.  Adjusted rear driver quartering to eliminate hitch at slow speed.  See the following thread, at page 3 and beyond:
2.  Adjusted Tsunami BEMF parameters.  See this post:
3.  Scraped off white paint on wheels and applied Neolube to drivers and valve gear
4.  Replaced speaker with a 9x16mm Knowles Fox (now out of production; replaced by the Wildcat; same size) in a custom sealed enclosure sitting on top of the Tsunami decoder and firing up at the coal load.
5.  Replaced Bachmann rear coupler with Accumate; I'll probably replace it with an MT 2004 at some point, but at least I've gotten rid of the boxing glove on the rear for now.

I'm pretty satisfied with the performance at this point.  I still want to make the Mars light into a functioning Mars light, which will require an accessory decoder and a separate LED in the boiler.  And I've got to do something about the horrid front coupler.  But I think this will be a nice addition to my NKP fleet.

John C.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 10:58:57 PM by jdcolombo »