One of my 1st gen Life Like E8s has called it quits. This unit has always had a bit of noise but even with magnifiers I couldn't see any cause. Well it finally reared it's ugly head. Disassembly revealed a broken tooth on the drive gear (engages w/ worm) of the front truck, which resulted in a loud buzz and then an abrupt stop. There is no damage to the driven gears.
My question is, how to get a replacement. I don't have paperwork for either of my E8s, so no part number, and the L/L parts I do have are from the GP and FP, and they are too small.
I wonder if Walthers would even have service parts. I can not seem to find a service/parts link on their website. Can anyone help?
BTW, it runs quiet as a church mouse now but won't really pull much. Imagine that!