Author Topic: UPDATE !Do we know any more about a sound decoder for the FEF3?  (Read 2395 times)

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UPDATE !Do we know any more about a sound decoder for the FEF3?
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:58:10 PM »
Soundtrax has a new sound decoder for the FEF 3

I'm wondering if LocSound, Tsunami or even MRC have developed a sound decoder for the new Kato FEF 3.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2014, 08:28:42 PM by GaryHinshaw »


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Re: Do we know any more about a sound decoder for the FEF3?
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2014, 05:28:19 PM »
I'm counting on it, although I've got a TSU-750 Heavy Steam decoder waiting for a quick install into one of my FEF's when they arrive at my doorstep.


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Re: Do we know any more about a sound decoder for the FEF3?
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2014, 08:10:27 PM »
I've got to say that as much as I love ESU LokSound's diesel sound decoders, I'm underwhelmed by their steam offerings.  The Big Boy file that I used in my Challenger is OK on chuffs, but I think the whistle and bell leave a lot of room for improvement.  The "steam collection" file I'm using in one of my Berks as a test bed can't hold a candle to the Tsunami Heavy Steam sound that is my "standard" in the rest of my Berk fleet (although, jeez, it really is time for Soundtraxx to add the "open cocks" startup sound to its steam lineup), and I like being able to automate the steam release when the engine comes to a stop, which I can do with the Tsunami, but can't with the ESU (at least, I haven't found a way to do so).  So while I think ESU's diesel decoders are far superior to anything from Soundtraxx, when it comes to steam, I think ESU lags far behind.

If ESU wants to play seriously in the steam space, they should go out and do new recordings of our active steamers: the FEF, the NKP 765, the SP Daylight 4-8-4, the Challenger, the Pere Marquette 1225, and the host of smaller steam locos running on tourist lines.  Do new recordings of every steam whistle still out there - borrow 'em from museums, or find good sound recordings and digitally enhance them to modern standards.  The N&W J may be back in service soon, the UP Big Boy will be eventually, and there are probably good recordings of the N&W 1218 from its operational days that could be used as well. 

I know this is asking a lot, but right now I just don't think ESU's steam sounds are competitive.   And with a new generation coming from Soundtraxx, they might finally get motor control right, in which case they would be my preferred option on steam.

John C.


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Re: Do we know any more about a sound decoder for the FEF3?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2014, 06:45:34 AM »
The ESU diesel sounds are indeed great, but there steam sounds are in my opinion only marginal. They completely lack the dynamics of for instance the Tsunami. The Tsunami is therefore my preference for steam althoug the TCS WOW decoder is certainly promising. However, at the moment this decoder is still too big. Hopefully they will get a N scale version soon.



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Re: Do we know any more about a sound decoder for the FEF3?
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2014, 03:19:10 PM »
The ESU diesel sounds are indeed great, but there steam sounds are in my opinion only marginal. They completely lack the dynamics of for instance the Tsunami. The Tsunami is therefore my preference for steam althoug the TCS WOW decoder is certainly promising. However, at the moment this decoder is still too big. Hopefully they will get a N scale version soon.


I still have hopes that QSI will eventually produce a small sound decoder. Their Revolution sound decoder (factory-installed in Walthers Mallets) was superior to anything else I have had the pleasure to operate.
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Re: UPDATE !Do we know any more about a sound decoder for the FEF3?
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2014, 11:29:39 AM »
Didn't know of any other way to get this to the top other than starting a new thread.



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Re: UPDATE !Do we know any more about a sound decoder for the FEF3?
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2014, 11:58:20 AM »
Didn't know of any other way to get this to the top other than starting a new thread.


To the top of what?  The topics listing in this section?  Any time you post a new message to any thread (old or new), it ends up on the top of the listing (until others post newer messages to other threads in that forum).

Anyways, I was just notified by Trainworld that there is a decoder for this loco available:
SoundTraxx #826003 TSU-750 3/4 Amp Micro Tsunami For  Heavy Steam Locomotives Digital Sound Decoder.

I don't know if this is the official FEF decoder, but that is what Trainworld is selling
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Re: UPDATE !Do we know any more about a sound decoder for the FEF3?
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2014, 12:13:14 PM »

I don't know if this is the official FEF decoder, but that is what Trainworld is selling

It is Soundtraxx official decoder for the FEF - I just asked them.

And after talking with them, I'm going to give up on LokSound ever getting their Hiawatha Atlantic decoder out and try this heavy steam decoder.



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Re: UPDATE !Do we know any more about a sound decoder for the FEF3?
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2014, 09:16:29 PM »
If it's their "official" sound decoder for the FEF 3 then I would have thought they would have used an actual recording of the 1-1 scale locomotive for their sound rather than a generic heavy steam locomotive.



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Re: UPDATE !Do we know any more about a sound decoder for the FEF3?
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2014, 09:44:56 AM »
To the top of what?  The topics listing in this section?  Any time you post a new message to any thread (old or new), it ends up on the top of the listing (until others post newer messages to other threads in that forum).

Anyways, I was just notified by Trainworld that there is a decoder for this loco available:
SoundTraxx #826003 TSU-750 3/4 Amp Micro Tsunami For  Heavy Steam Locomotives Digital Sound Decoder.

I don't know if this is the official FEF decoder, but that is what Trainworld is selling

Official is a strong word, but correct decoder would be right. It's the same decoder that is in my Kato GS-4.

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