I read the TrainBoard comments. They didn't seem excessively negative to me. Some little snipes that were more forum-envy than anything else.
In spite of some of the over-the-top criticism here on occasion, I'd still rather have honest assessments instead of over-the-top praise giving me a false sense of how the product actually is being perceived.
This pretty much sums up my point of view as well, which is quite a bit easier for me as I am not a manufacturer. But as a modeler, this is how I would like to have what I share evaluated and critiqued.
In some ways TRW is like going to the gym. You are not going to improve your fitness by having everyone complement you. At some point you need to evaluate where you are at, decide if you are happy with it, and work to improve if desired.
The Railwire: Interval Training for Modelers!
Best wishes, Dave