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Re: One Person Operations...
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2014, 01:05:08 PM »
I ran single track/passing sidings on the WM, and frequently would run it solo.  I had enough main line running, including lines through the staging yards, to have a few minutes between trains at critical points.  Obviously, if I had two trains running in one direction, it was just a matter of monitoring speed, but I could also run in opposite directions.  I used decoder driven Tortoises for a couple of key passing tracks, so no matter where I was in the room, I could throw the switches.

Then, on the long siding that ran under Cumberland, I set it up so there was about a 24" dead zone approaching the frog end that was powered by the Tortoise...  if the switch was thrown against the exiting train, the engines would stall in the dead zone.

Righty Tighty

and Lefty Loosey.

The dead zones were long enough to hold a 3 unit lash up, which had the added benefit of a braking effect as the first engine stalled and the second would push across the gap, and finally slower as the third engine crossed into the dead zone slowed by the friction of the two dead ones in front.  Once the switch was thrown in their direction, the momentum CV would gently bring the train back to life and send it on its way.

This was set up on both ends of the siding, and I typically ran right hand running, but applying the power block to both tracks gave me some flexibility.

My typical MO was to set two trains a runnin' at each other, then pulling out a local to work the branch line, or spend time switching the yard to make up the next batch of trains.  The pleasant whir of little motors, the clickety clack of FVM wheels over the track joints, and cold beer made for some pleasant railroading...

And in living color...
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Lee Weldon


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Re: One Person Operations...
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2014, 01:07:34 PM »
This is an interesting approach, I can see the advantages and opportunities in something like this for a lone operator. 


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Re: One Person Operations...
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2014, 04:10:04 PM »
I'm up in Hunterdon, near the old Lehigh Valley...  :) 

I've been studying these lines for YEARS, probably have every modern video out, etc....   Actually my younger son and I are planning to take a trip to railfan in late June, around the N-scale convention.

I've been in love with both the Pokey and the Clinchfield for a long time - the tunnels, back and forth over creeks,  the "hollers" and tight spacing in the valleys.   The new Highball Productions Pokey Video has one scene in Keystone, shot from up a hill that almost makes an N-scale layout look TOO BIG and 24" curves TOO BROAD.

Going double track is probably the logical approach.  I have quite a stock of flex track (Peco C55) and oddly a ton of concrete flex to use in the hidden return section (NS would not be using concrete ties). 

There is something appealing though about single track though - which is why I am still pondering this...

My borther-in-law lives in Clinton. Best coal video ever imho is "coal story" by Bob Loehne. Takes place on the CRR but with CSX. Incredible video. (now out on dvd) I wish there was a compatible NS video out. The other two I have that are great are CSX Big Sandy and CSX Southern WV Coal. I have along the pocahontas but it doesnt compare imho.

You could do either single or double track. I don't think being a solo operator would much if any of a hindrance. If you wanted to railfan the layout and just watch trains run set two coal drags up going north and south and just relax. Later if you wanted you could do some yard switching or tipple work if you felt like operating. Win-win.


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Re: One Person Operations...
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2014, 06:25:29 PM »
crrcoal:  I used to have that video - he did some great, highly informative shows!!!

We're right near Clinton - Bethlehem Township - where the Musconetcong Tunnel is located - and during prohibition I am told - there were moonshiners in the hills.....

- Lou


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Re: One Person Operations...
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2014, 06:30:45 PM »
Lee:  that is a cool idea....   One thought I had was to go about 50%  double track and 50% single track - or one very long siding on which rolling meets could be held. But the idea of some automation is intriguing.

High Hood

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Re: One Person Operations...
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2014, 09:10:16 PM »
I have my fairly large layout subroadbed and roadbed complete - at least for the mainline.  Occupying around 23x17 feet it is around three walls and a center island with blobs on each end.  I went ahead and laid cork for double track - figuring I would either go double track or former, cut down to single track.  Locale is Appalachian, modern  NS,  largely protofreelanced, borrowing from the Pocoahontas District, Clinchfield and probably some other lines I've seen.

Decision time is whether to do double or ex-double track.  I am much more used to railfanning on the latter lines and the scarcity of double track railroads these days makes me wonder if I choosing that route would push me towards flat out modeling the Pokey or something.  I think cut down double has more flexibility for industries, towns, scenery, etc...   But realistically can one person meet trains?   I  could probably pull off about three 12 foot or so sidings plus at least one short one. 

For both concepts I had an operational concept of a major mine to coal processing plant and then to a yard movement to work in.

Another thought is to do a post Conrail "through central PA" line, which I've thought about for many years,  sort of a Pennsy subsidiary from Allentown to Williamsport and then west to Ohio - under CR and NS a valuable northern alternative to the former PRR, perhaps with state supported passenger service and maybe clinging to lower tunnel clearances...?  This could logically also be either double or probably former double track.

The other option is anyone want to move to New Jersey to help operate this thing???   :)  ha....

Any thoughts???

Ahh modern NS good choice!  My personal layout dream, outside of a fully prototypical layout, is based much on reality.  I'm personally enjoy branch lines so the layout will reflect that.  The layout will be supported by a smallish yard that would hold locals, mine runs, and surplus cars.  From the yard several branches radiate with one going to staging.  Imagine a yard at the end of a branch and at the end of the branch there are several smaller branches.  Around the yard there would be several non-coal industries and on the branches there may be some as well.  On the branches there's the modern floodloaders and smaller truck dumps.  One branch possibly would lead to a CSX line to add interest.  The whole layout could be operated by myself as all it would be is slow paced locals and mine runs. 

I do like to Pokey alot though.  I've been there once, but I thought it was awesome.  A layout centering around Williamson would offer mainline and branchline railroading, as well as a good variety of trains.  Not to mention Williamson still has a roundhouse!  Personally if I was into ops and mainlining I'd probably go for Williamson. 

Just some of my thoughts.


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Re: One Person Operations...
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2014, 09:56:53 PM »
highhood:   my thought has been to model the long main and one yard.  The yard is near a large coal processing plant and supports a couple of branches off to mines.  Operationally it's empties to the mine - then to the plant then to the yard to make up trains.   Most of this would be going on without interfering with the mainline except when perhaps needing to go up the main to a branch.  One other thought has been to have much of the branches - hidden - except their junctions. 

If I went the Clichfield-ish way,  it would be an imaginary parallel line that ended up owned by NS.  For the Pokey,  I would try to be faithful to the feel, terrain, etc - but not try to be geographically perfect - pick and choose the best scenes to model.  For example, I like Keystone, North Fork,  Virginia Crews, etc...  but possibly not in exact order.


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Re: One Person Operations...
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2014, 07:57:19 AM »
That's what's really cool about a large prep plant (like the old Moss #1); you have loads coming in and loads going out.