Author Topic: JRMI and KATO RDC Jet  (Read 1263 times)

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Frisco Larry

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« on: December 23, 2013, 03:39:46 PM »
Anyone familiar with the KATO RDC Jet and how it reacts with JMRI?  I cannot find which decoder to use in the program.  When I ask JMRI to identify the decoder it lights up just about all of the Digitrax decoders.  If I identify the decoder as the standard Digitrax decoder for the KATO RDC, and read from the decoder to the computer, everything works fine on the JMRI screen except that the "Sounds" and the "Sound Levels" tabs are naturally inactive.  If I use any of the Digitrax sound decoders, and read from the decoder to the computer, it works fine up to a point and then with about 4 or 5 CV's left it just goes into a loop where it keeps trying to read those few CV's over and over and repeats the warning that it cannot find the loco.  When I give up, and stop the reading of the decoder, the program screens show a few holes in the data.  Spookshow's page on the RDC Jet has a photo of the RDC with the shell off, and one can clearly read SFX0416, but this is a sound decoder only.  And it does not read properly into JMRI.  The RDC works fine, so it is all academic at this point.  Just curious if anyone else has had this problem.


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« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2013, 12:05:25 AM »
I have a digitrax sfx0416 installed in a island model works cab car. I don't think I had any difficulty programming it with jmri. I was able to set a 4 digit address, and set various volume levels. That was about 5 or 6 months ago. I'll check in the morning to see if I can read it on the programming track.

A couple guys in my club also have the jet powered RDC, and I'll reach out to them.



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« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2013, 10:09:57 AM »
Checked this morning, and I was able to pop the car on programming track, and hit IDENTIFY in JMRI. After a few moments, it ID'ed the proper entry. I opened the comprehensive programmer, picked a random tab (sounds in this case) and did a READ FULL SHEET. It all worked fine.

So, at least from my end, JMRI and the SFX decoder did read OK. I'm running the latest version JMRI.

If you're still having issues, I can contact a couple of club members that own the RDC. We have a train show setup on Sunday and can test theirs with my laptop.

Hope this helps.