I bought one of those once,sight unseen..Took one look at it,gave it away.I don't even think he started with good shark shells,I think he used bad castings,and just glued two together to make a longer shell.Didn't even do a good job at that.It's like,30 feet to short,LOL!!
I'm working on a set,but it's gonna be a while.I may make them available.I'm making these,and CNJ Babyfaces.I figured out a cool way to make the sides.I'm going to machine the sides as one flat piece,with all the ribs,doors,etc,machined in to make a mold.I'll cast one of each side,then use those as masters.Then I'll inlet those right into the body.ONly problem with a BP20.It's SO long,it may be impossible to get a straight casting.THey do goofy yhings when you do long,straight stuff.It may be a kit with a front,solid roof,sides,and back.The CNJ's should be no trouble.I just ordered a few tiny milling cutters to do the sides.
The BP20's will fit Con Cor DL109 chassis.If you turn the back truck around,it's close to the correct length..