Decals with inkjet printers are not as easy as advertized. If you cut too close to the image, the ink will run when wet or setting/solvent is applied. Some curling is going to happen, but generally if you put on Micro Sol it takes care of it. My favorite is Solvaset, this is a high power version of the Micro Scale system and must be used carefully. I wouldn't use it on Inkjet prints though.
If you have local printing services, take your artwork and paper to someone who has a Color Laser Printer. Be sure to get paper designed for Lasers, Micro Mark has it and I have had great resultes with that. I don't think I have ever had curling problems with that kind of paper, but with the inkjet paper...curling all the time. Also be sure you have a glossy surface you are putting the decals on. If it is flat it will not lay as well and silver all over the place.
Tip. After you put on the solvent/set, let stand for a minute or so and then use a blow dryer set on medium and pass it over the decal back and forth. This does two things, softens the clear backing helping it settle down faster and drys the decal before the setting solution can effect the inkjet print. I make my own decals with my Alps and Laser printer and always apply Setting solution to get it located, pat moist with Q tip and then apply Solvent. Let it rest and start to krinkle and then use the blow dryer. I have gotten great results doing this. If this spooks you, just follow the instructions on the bottle and it will work out. You may need to re-apply the solvent a number of times to get it to lay around the edges.
Good luck!