Author Topic: Remotoring a Minitrix K4, any advice?  (Read 3808 times)

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Re: Remotoring a Minitrix K4, any advice?
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2013, 01:21:28 PM »
I honestly don't understand this statement (about cutting up the tender).
You don't have to "cut up" the tender.  You only have to cut slots in the bottom of the tender so that the
Kato or Sprectrum truck tangs can protrude up inside.   Unless the engine is on its back, this modification is invisible.
And another plus is that you put a body-mount MT coupler on the tail which look and works far better than
the truck-mounted variety.

It's just one of the odd things. I did ask about it and all I got as a response was "I don't know....".
...So for now it is just a motor job, and some home-bashed contact upgrades for the tender.

-Cody F.
Cody W Fisher  —  Wandering soul from a bygone era.
Fighting to reclaim shreds of the past.