Author Topic: Atlas n-scale True-Track code 65 - transition with Kato Unitrack  (Read 6512 times)

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Re: Atlas n-scale True-Track code 65 - transition with Kato Unitrack
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2013, 09:20:16 PM »
   Do you have a preference between the Kato and the True Track?? Is one better than the other?? I know that Atlas has a ways to go to catch up to Kato in what's being offered but in a performance stand point which is  seems better??  :D
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Re: Atlas n-scale True-Track code 65 - transition with Kato Unitrack
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2013, 07:49:40 AM »
Several more experienced model railroaders have reviewed and compared this two brands of track.
I like the appearance of the True-Track because of the wooden ties and their spacing. 
I currently have used only three True-Track turnouts, three packages of 15.5 inch radius curves, one package of 14 inch radius curves and several packages of 10 inch, 6 inch, 2 inch and 1 inch straight track.
In comparison I have used many times more Kato Unitrack items and for 15 or more years.
I agree with most reviews that Unitrack is essentially bullet proof, easily assembled and disassembled.  Layouts like John Sing's demonstrate that Unitrack can be weathered to improve the ""out of box" appearance.
Had I seen the True-Track when I started changing from flex to Unitrack, I would have gone with True-Track for appearance; however I suspect I would have become very impatient that Atlas has not kept pace by adding longer turnouts, larger radius curves and such in the intervening years since they introduced True-Track.
I recommend to anyone who is starting with a US prototype layout and wishes to use track with attached roadbed that they look at and buy a try some True-Track.