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Already available:http://www.aktionshaus-mzz.de/artikeldetails.asp?currblock=&suchtyp=Kat&suchbegr=&suchkatalog=2620000000&positionsart=A&artikelnummer=F80&artikelhersteller=1270400000&artikelkatalog=2620000000&artikelbezeichnung=Willys+Jeep+%28ab+1941%29+++++++++++++++N
Okay, what am I doing wrong. I went to that web site, found the list of unpainted N scale kits, and thought I check 'em out. Butno matte4r what vehicle I cick on, it takes me to the Willy's jeep. I wanna see that Morris Minor. and the Open Kadet. But they all just take me to the jeep. WTH?!!
I'll take one of these in N...already have two in 1:1!The S.