RAILCAT, Thanks for the heads up!
Innovative way to get funds for a startup!!
Nice machine too. $2750 gets you one, VERY impressive. This is just like the large vat stereolithogarphy machines, only the printing is inverted. No safety spec sheet on the material... .001" layer capability, pretty good resolution.
These tools, no matter how small the resolution, will always pixellate curved surfaces. (EDIT- BTW I'm NOT bashing the STL process, just staiing the facts and I would LOVE to have one of these in my basement!)
4.9"L x 4.9"W x 6.5"H capability, not quite long enough for some long boilers...
The secret is to print all curves in the horizontal plane (except complex surface curvature of course). The surface quality might be OK if one were to print a shell with the boiler (hood) axis vertical and leaving off as much detail as posiible to be superdetailed with separate bits...
Suggest a visit to their site too...