I know I should be grateful that Kato has deigned to offer a Pennsy model, but ANOTHER GG1?
How many PRR modelers actually model the electrified portion of the Pennsy? More steam please! A K4s or an M1 or even and H class would be appreciated.
Just sayin'
Obviously they're trying to shake as much cash as they can out of the model they've already made. Now, I'd be all over some work-a-day Conrail patch jobs or even a foobie blue Conrail 4800 (obviously the Kato model is welded versus riveted) but I've heard from a reliable source that Kato doesn't plan to do that. No fear; a patch job is as easy on a model as it was in real life.
As for modeling the electric territory, it's funny you ask that. I have this dream where after I retire from the Air Force and I don't have to worry so much about moving chunks of layout around, I would love to build another section of the Juniata Division that would be under the wire. The idea would be the current door separated by a much larger version of Enola from another door-sized chunk of Eastern Region under "wire." Whether I strung green EZ-Line as catenary or just used empty cat poles, it would scratch my Pennsy electric itch. And, as a double-bonus word score, my Conrail era cuts off at 1980, just before the end of Conrail electric freight ops.
Now we need an E44 and a P5a. The E44 is available is a shell on Shapeways, but the P5a is a complete hole in the roster, as nothing close to an appropriate chassis exists for scratchbuilt or Shapeways shell. The FF2 can be ham-fisted using a Kato EF15.