David, VonRyan, could the center stub pass through the backdrop and switch onto the first staging track for some extra in-building staging? Instead of flats, the buildings could be angled and jagged at with sides paralell to the sidings so the divider has nice depth and hiding ability...
The center stub could certainly be connected back into the staging yard, although I'm not clear on how much of an advantage this might provide. I'd also envisioned the building "flats" to be more 3D, as you suggest.
Are the stub-ended tracks to the freight terminal near the ferry slip backwards? If you think about switching cuts of cars onto/off of the ferry, you're going to have to do a runaround move each time. Perhaps those tracks could come off of the trackage in the street, so they're in the same area of the layout but more efficiently switched. OR maybe a runaround could be built into the freight terminal trackage.
Nope, they are not backwards. Cuts from the ferry will need to be pulled back to the runaround in the street to spot in the freight terminal (an alternative is to have a second switcher waiting on the freight terminal switching stub to pick up and move ferry cars into the terminal after the other switcher is finished emptying the ferry). They could easily be reversed if this extra switching challenge is not desired. I'd also thought about connecting the freight terminal switching stub back into the street trackage for out-and-back ops, although I'd envisioned the freight terminal trackage slightly lower than the street trackage for added visual interest. A runaround in the freight terminal trackage would be quite a squeeze.