Is the Aristo 4-6-2 really rated to run on 4-foot diameter curves? I need to know this before I donate $150 of my model budget to fix a G-scale layout by replacing with 5-foot diameter track.
Maybe Andy (asarge) will see this and have the answer. A G-scale forum with concise, searchable info seems to not exist, so I tip my hat to the experts on this "more informed" board.
Back story is the local museum has a G-scale display loop in the overhead, running an Aristo-Craft "Southern Crescent" 4-6-2. The fella who cobbled together the out-of-reach track put 24" radius ("4-foot diameter", in Aristo-Craft-speak) in the corners. Derailments in the turns are frequent, and the museum curator is getting frustrated. If this model was rated for these tight curves, it sure isn't running that way.