I consider both of Athearn/Roundhouse steamers ok, nothing spectacular but not too shabby. The unsophisticated valve gear and the old timer styling just doesn't lend itself to my layout, but I never stopped that from buying stuff before.
I have 2 Consolidations and 2 Moguls, and both are good runners. When Roundhouse first came out with these a few years ago, I sent them a feedback letter suggesting that the weak spot on every one of those locos was the thin plastic/delrin driveshaft between the loco and tender, and if they were to stock any spare parts, this particular part was the leading candidate in my book, just vulnerable from handling it. I got a letter back from the Roundhouse people, graciously thanking me for the critique/suggestion and even sent me a couple of spare driveshafts. Never used them or had to.
However, the joyous day arrived one day with my MicroMark monthly catalogue and they had these on sale for 99.95 each, and I scarfed up a few then. I sold off a couple to fellow members of my former club, but they grow on you, when you are pulling some old Harrimans and 36 footer boxes around your layout looking for Wyatt Earp.
I was astounded and dismayed when the first ad in an N Scale Magazine after Athearn bought Roundhouse the ghastly treatment of these locos shown off in an ad. Bright colors, ghastly adornment, looked like circus toys. I sure was hoping above hope that Athearn's management wouldn't treat the rest of the Roundhouse product line the same way. So far it appears they haven't.
Ken "FloridaBoy" Willaman