I decided to take the plunge into sound .. at least as an experiment to see how it works in N scale.
I started with a Model Power 4-4-0 that was already DCC, purchased a soundtrax micro-tsunami and the largest speaker I thought would fit into the tender. I replaced the original decoder with the soundtrax, soldered on the speaker and lo-and-behold it all worked! There was just one problem, in order to make room for the new decoder and speaker, I had to remove the large weight originally installed in the tender and without it, the electrical pickup (which was marginal before) was awful. The engine would sputter and jump. Simply not acceptable.
I did some research and found that several people had converted the tender to use the Kato caboose trucks. So that's what I set off to do.
Here is the tender, taken apart for the second time, with the floor drilled out for the new trucks
Here you can see the difference between the MP trucks and the Kato trucks. Namely that the Kato trucks have electrical pickup on all 4 wheels where the MP trucks only use two.
Here's a closeup of the milled tender floor and the new truck
After attaching the new trucks, I wired it all up again. Luckily the Model Power already has everything setup to be done in the tender, so I didn't need to even open the engine shell.
Here is what it looks like with everything all folded in and ready.
In order to make room for everything, I removed the molded-in coal load, and the original weight. So now I added some weight back. Here I plugged the inside back of the tender
and the front as well
Here it is all back together. The speaker sits about even with the top of the coal bunker. I am planning to stretch some pantyhose material over the bunker and then add a light coal load.
(Sorry about the focus on this one) :-[
I uploaded a video so you can hear the sound
All the sound is coming from the chip using the default settings and the microphone on the camera
(6/19/2013 - Fixed the broken picture links)