Author Topic: Kato Unitrack is now running slow  (Read 2047 times)

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Kato Unitrack is now running slow
« on: November 28, 2007, 11:54:42 PM »
My new layout using Kato Unitrack worked fine when first put together. However, after several adjustments, there are two spots where the engines slow considerably when crossing. After they get a few feet past that section, they run fast again.

I have checked the power connections (using Kato feeder track in two blocks) and all is well. The joiners look OK, but should I replace them at the bad spots?

I am ready to tack down my track, but I want to solve these performance problems before continuing. Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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Re: Kato Unitrack is now running slow
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2007, 12:43:34 AM »
Couple of suggestions
Additional electrical leads at the "power drop" area in the track.
If this is an oval trackplan, maybe a pair of insulated rail joiners.
Higher gauge electrical wire.


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Re: Kato Unitrack is now running slow
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2007, 07:05:22 AM »
I had the samething happen on my "main-line" ( which is nearly a scale mile in length) which I broke up into 5 blocks.  Each block had its own power feed "+" but,I only connected the "-" feed in two places.  By connecting all the "-" feeds to a bus bar, then to the power pack, I improved the situation.  However, not knowing your wiring, I might suggest you replace the connectors where the drop off is.


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Re: Kato Unitrack is now running slow
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2007, 10:47:11 AM »
connectors arent the issue....

i bet if you solder the joint (make sure the rail height is level of course) it will solve the problem.

running power drops every 12 inches sucks....

a nice clean and small solder joint should solve it.

of course, be sure to check the rails for the proverbial "gunk"

and then.. by the way.... clean the wheels on the engine... but it sounds like that is not the issue.

if it is stalling at one point only, solder the joint and level the railheight prior to soldering
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