I've eaten alot of Deli Sandwiches and Double Burgers to obtain those long toothpicks with the small colored Cheer Leader Pom Pom decoration on the top. These serve ,but shed colored material on the layout occaisionally. I guess I should break down and get wood skewers. Naw. Then I couldn't enjoy my favorite large Grinder. I have two railroad crossings with the roadway between the rails, one scratch built on a former N Quack module now part of the layout and the other Green Max. These will instantly let you know if the pins on a loco or car, especially a new one is hanging low. Unfortunately the pins on early Atlas Accumates would easly come out when bent and then become hard to replace,and yes "No Magnets on main lines". That includes a branch line (just removed my last one there,on a ex module, but they are ok on industrial sidings. Our club once had a yard with electro magnets underneath, while it worked great, remembering which button activicates which magnet under a given track,even if its local was marked was more trouble then it was worth. Nate Goodman (Nato). Salt Lake,Utah.