My LIRR IS layout has a 4' long section of two track main that runs to the left and is going to be placed on this structure:

I am trying to emulate this which is in a state of deconstruction:

My question is this. Do you think the wood (ties?) on the right most track is a substrate for the ties and rail, or do you think the rail is resting directly atop this wood? This will have a profound effect on rail height as I transition to the berm wall to the right in the first picture.
I was thinking of using basswood to recreate the image, but then the other side of me says just glue the track on top and glue the structure at a height that is flush with the 2 way take (DKS method) I will be using on the berm wall...
Also a second question:
Originally my scope states that this structure is the lead to a bridge from Long Island to Manhattan. Should I use the structure to introduce an incline to the left after it leaves the berm wall? I think it might add some visual interest to the building flats that will eventually be behind it:

Any and all help would be appreciated.