That looks like a cold day in Hades.
PCM deleted the thread that I was most interested in, but can not silence the public. I just hope that my post wasn't the one that PO'd them to the point of deleting the thread.
I have waited for them to produce the H2a hoppers, preordered all 8 sets of N&W hoppers and have been screwed, blued and tatooed by them ever since. I committed a grand for these models and have spent that money 5 times over since they announced them. I've tried to satisfy my hopper fix with dimidata Atlas 55 ton cars, a set of every BLW special run hopper available, bought every MTL 55 ton hopper I could score off of the auction sites and I'm lobbying IM for dimidata drop bottom gondolas; to cure my Jones for coal. Now that I have the odd cars to mix into my N&W fleet, I need my N&W fleet!
What has BLI/PCM done to help me? They do the thing that I warned them not to do. They have screwed with the rabid PRR modelers and the other folks that have the money to buy high end offerings from any upstart company that is brave enough to go out on a limb to meet the needs of thier hobby. Instead of product, they yank the rug out from under us.
Will I buy the H2a hoppers if they come out? Absolutely YES, I'm needing about a couple of hundred or so more hoppers to put the class Y locomotives that I have and that are on order to work; because it will be a cold day in Hades before I give them a chance on their secondary offerings in N Scale. I just need a bunch of hoppers!
I haven't seen their replies to my post, as it was deleted before I could view it after my post, but.... I understand that people have to feed and take care of thier families. If PCM is that concerned about the wellbeing of their employees and company, they ought to stop serving thier customers dog poop biscuits for merchandise.