These are from Monday, Ed and I did some fanning in the Philly area. Him being the wheelman allowed me to get this Ashcroft-worthy shot of the SC-01 outside the PECO power plant:
We headed north into the city, hoping to swing by Souf Philly to shoot some D&H action, but were drawn to the Norfeast to catch a couple trains, like this 39G:
We went past Frankford Junction Yard and saw a train sitting on the yard lead, turned out to be WPFJ-03, promptly calling the yardmaster to leave. He chose this most-excellent spot to bag it:
WPCA-01 on the Delair viaduct:
The slab terminal in Souf Philly, I took this one just as an "UP YOURS!" to the DRPA...
Q174 stopping at Locust St so he could work:
We then headed south to catch Q405 before Ed left to go back to craB-More...
A few other tidbits are here: