Author Topic: Rio Grande Zephyr Progress pictures  (Read 2208 times)

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Rio Grande Zephyr Progress pictures
« on: March 26, 2006, 03:53:03 PM »
Thought I'd share some progress on RGZ with you all.

The CC Budd cars have MT trucks with brake blocks removed, lo-pro wheels, interiors that are painted realistic colours (not bright blue!)Tinted windows so that you can't tell what colour the interiors are!! Correct decals and some light weathering. The DRGW kept their varnish in pretty good condition dispite it's age.
Comments on the suggestions on the weathering welcome.

I have 3 Domes Silver Mustang, Pony and Bronco, Diner Silver Banquet, Coach Silver Aspen and Dome/Obs Silver Sky.

Combine 1231 is a heavilly modified Rowa Pullman, yet to be weathered

Steam Generator 253 is a LL PB1body heavilly modified, scratchbuilt frame with Kato Blomberg trucks body mounted MT1015's, wire handrails etc, custom decals etc. Yet to be weathered.

All a need now is the F9 to haul it.....Hurry up IM.