Author Topic: Best way to make sure two LEDs are not touching before connecting to decoder?  (Read 131 times)

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Mounted two 0402 LEDs into a upper headlight. Had them positioned well or so I thought. Used canopy glue to make the lens. In the process of applying the canopy glue I may have moved the LEDs. Using a magnifying glass I can't tell if the two LEDs are touching.  I really don't want to fry my decoder. I am guessing there is a way with either a multimeter or some other test to make sure that they are ok. But I am not sure what the proper way is and I don't want to be out $100. So best to ask first than be sorry later🥹. Thanks for any advice.

On a side note will a lockprogrammer track help prevent frying a decoder if there is a short?

jagged ben

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Continuity test with your multi-meter to the solder pad for the function and function common, if you can.

Two LEDs touching each other may not create a short on the function output; it depends if the LED contacts actually touch each other, as well as which wires your resistors are attached to.  Possible outcomes might be frying the LEDs but not the decoder, frying the function output without frying the rest of the decoder, the LEDs not working but no permanent damage, or everything being fine.  I think it's unlikely you'd fry the whole decoder although I can't guarantee it.