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Making some progress on the New Windsor St.https://conrail1285.com/over-the-top-ground-cover-has-come-to-windsor-st/
DUDE! The weathering on that track looks fantastic in this shot. Ballast will only make it look better.
Yes, please tell us how you painted/weathered that track!
I started with a dark rusty color applied to the side of the rails. I first tried “Nutmeg” but ended up using “Espresso”. I followed that up some raw umber brushed more vertically onto the ties. That was followed up with some drybrushing of various grays and tans to demonstrate the difference in maintenance of different tracks. I decided to spice things up a bit and actually make the “mainline” track a bit grayer and older looking than the controlled siding track. The theory with this is that the siding was rehabbed in the early 70s when the line was upgraded, while the mainline was likely the same as it was since before Hurricane Agnes.
Somebody didn't read the article! lol.
Didn't even notice the link!
Finally finished weathering my RDCs over the weekend.They are quite fun to run together. The RDC-3 and RDC-4 both have sound installed.
Just finished a tie extractor for a friend (Attachment Link)
Amusingly I just watched this.You gotta add the rack of spare hoses now!
I like that idea, and that’s an easy addition!