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The following quote from a recent thread makes we question why I went DCC. I love the speed control, the sound options and the light effects, but question if it is all really worth it if I JF(Want to) RTM.Note that CV53 is the voltage reference CV. Don't play with this one, at least not at first. What it does is adjust the voltage "spread" between SS0 and SS128, and should be used if you find that your engine reaches max speed before the throttle is turned all the way up, or doesn't reach max speed even with the throttle turned all the way up. In general, CV53 should be set to 10x the DCC track voltage (e.g., if your track voltage is 13v, set CV53 to 130). That's usually the only adjustment you'll need for this one.
........and here I thought I was going to learn what JFRTM stood for
I've been reading it as JFRMT: Run More Trains!