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https://www.msdiscounttool.com/catalog/product_info.php?csv=gg&products_id=145657&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlOmLBhCHARIsAGiJg7mM-qBs4r3oyCzXDSaHRDevgxZ8gxNOkli0GFrTurj8aqSDP_pYOskaAoTtEALw_wcBnever thought to look by "gun tap". Great idea!
And just to add a bit , When the tapered tip of the tap breaks off it is still useful as a bottoming tap for a hole that does not go all the way through the meterial .
Thanks, MaxJust ordered 2 of them. More than likely Asian made as is states "MEDA - Superior Import"Never have had much luck with any Asian made taps or dies though.