I've wanted to do an "East Wind" train, in it's original yellow, silver, DGLE and black colors, for years. I recently realized that I could come close on the consist (more on that another time), but the lettering would be a challenge. THEN I noticed that Highball Graphics had an East Wind decal set in HO. On a whim I e-mailed them and asked if they would consider doing the set in N scale - they replied the
next day and said that they were already up on the web site - I ordered several and they just arrived, and look very good.
https://highballgraphics.com/index.php/1803/15/passenger/passenger-n-scale/bm-mec-nh-prr-passenger-the-east-wind-passenger-cars-ho-scale-1111-detailKudo's to Highball for being so responsive!
Now to assemble my consist....