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The PC Board bits...are those the ones that come in a little plastic box with a foam index and a +/- 1/8th" shank?I recall picking up some variety packed box of those at a show once from, The Toolman?I wouldn't mind finding more of those.Do any of the sites linked above carry them?
Seconded for using HSS, every carbide in a small size like this I've broken before I've gotten to 50 holes.https://www.ebay.com/itm/10x-Micro-HSS-Straight-Shank-Twist-Drill-Bit-Electrical-Drilling-Tool-0-3-3-0mm/223215349165(about 0.0118")
I broke one drilling into a stick of butter once
The one thing we modelers lack is having a device that will turn these very small bit at a RPM that is fast enough.Most hand held motor tools turn about 20 K. You can turn these micro size bits at a much higher RPM.Even if you use a small drill press, your RPM is way too slow.