My layout has resumed revenue operations after a five month hiatus, during which numerous changes were made. The list of "firsts" for this session included:
- new Lenz DCC system
- new Train Operating Procedures for crews
- new Locomotive Operating Manual for crews
- new Bad Order Card system for RIP track
- replacement turnouts at Canfor mill and Sundance siding
- new fast clock system
- first session for three new locomotives and twenty new freight cars
- all locomotives now speed matched
- all locos and cars run through inspection program before going on layout
- and home baking for the refreshments!
This was a lop-sided session with respect to car movements as were was nothing on the layout to start with. The V-P Freight arrived with a record 39 cars behind M-630717, C-630M 701 and RS-3 574. The RS-3 will be set out for yard service at Chetwynd. This was actually the first session for 717 after a truck rebuild finally cured some serious running issues which have plagued this unit since build:

Further back in the train were the mid-train remotes comprising Remote Control Car RCC 2, CN C-424 3218 and M-630 710. All of the cars behind the remotes were making their debut onto the layout:

Meanwhile, in Dawson Creek, NAR Train 51/52 was entering the BCR yard with a cut of interchange cars for the BCR. All of these cars were also making their first appearance on the layout, including the cute little half bay window NAR caboose recently arrived from Bluford Shops (great to see manufacturers attending to the smaller Canadian railways). A BCR work crew was completing a work session as the NAR transfer rumbled past:

My new RS-3 locomotives made their operational debut. PGE 567 and BCR 570 were assigned to a work train on the Dawson Creek Subdivision:

A little later, the eastbound Dawson Creek Switcher follows the work train over the subdivision with 15 cars behind C-425 804, C-420 632, and C-425 812. This was 632's first road assignment after serving as the Chetwynd yard engine for the first 17 sessions:

RS-3s 570 and 567 are seen at Progress on their return trip to Chetwynd:

Meanwhile, RS-3 574 was busy switching the yard at Chetwynd. It is seen here delivering a cut of cars to the Canfor mill:

Engs 812, 632 and 804 cross Highway 97 with a single car from Dawson Creek. It will go south to Prince George and then on via CN to Prince Rupert:

The Septimus Turn arrives back in Chetwynd behind C-425s 810 and 807 with cars from Fort St. John:

The session concluded with departure of the P-V Freight led by M-630 710:

The session was successful and was enjoyed by all, including the home baking!

Thanks for looking,