It's a node.js app so it's not installed in the classic sense. Node is just a framework where everything runs in javascript.
You first install node.js (also see install vid
then run various 'node' commands in the ./helpers folder via the node.js command prompt. Looks like one step that's missing though, is to install the 'electron' dependency. So, when you're still in the command window, run: npm i -g electron.
I have no idea what each script is used, but each of the commands in there does have a help context, if you type, for example: node dilate.js -h
usage: dilate.js [-h] [-v] -s SRC -d DEST -r RADIUS
Argparse example
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-v, --version Show program's version number and exit.
-s SRC, --src SRC Location of source photon file
-d DEST, --dest DEST Destination directory name
-r RADIUS, --radius RADIUS
Dilatation radius
There's also this 'Gyroid Infill generator' that's run by opening ./app/index.html, but again.. no idea what it's for
I should probably learn though, since i bought a photon
hope this helps?