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Back in the good old days, I used to just draw my circuit patters on copper-clad board with a Sharpie, dunk them in Ferric Chloride, and that was that.
Way too many moons ago, I once bought a Radio Shack DIY circuit board kit. The kit included a Sharpie to draw the pattern and a small chunk of steel wool to clean the copper.Well, that's the last time I bought the kit. After that, I just bought bottles of ferric chloride.
After emigrating from Poland (where I did some etching with chemicals I got IIRC, from school), I also used one of those Radio Shack etchign kits. I never had good luck using Sharpie as etch resist. the coverage was not solid enough and allowed some etchant to penetrate through the ink and etch small pits in the copper which was supposed to remain unetched.
So - I just need a few small boards (maybe 1cm square?) to hold LEDs and resistors for DCC installs. Nothing I couldn't draw myself, but also not anything I want to invest a lot of money in. What are some sources for single-layer blank PCB material in small quantities?
Here is a vendor on eBay that has some good thickness selections going pretty thin too. I have used the 0.5mm (0.020”) and it’s been pretty good. BTW on the thinnest stuff I’ve found you can separate the copper cladding from the fiberboard underneath if you put too much heat in it with the iron. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F120802756087
This gives me an idea.What if you 3D printed the boards, with holes, complex shapes, etc. and raised areas where the traces are required, and then laminated copper foil on that using epoxy. Rub the copper into the depressions, paint the raised copper areas (dip painting on a pad?) and then etched the excess copper away?