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http://tcsdcc.com/1287-0http://tcsdcc.com/1286Don't mill if you don;t have to. These two decoders will fit 90% of pre-dcc split frame engines. If you have really tight clearance issues, or just want a one board solution, try this:http://tcsdcc.com/1549It has one built in LED and a 12v funtion for a reverse light.Digitrax has something similar:http://www.digitrax.com/products/mobile-decoders/dn126m2/Built in LED plus two output functions.TCS decoders run well right out of the box. I find Digitrax to be a bit harder to program and less intuitive. But once they are programed they seem to run well.
Check out Details N Scale if your need any frames milled. Visit:http://www.detailsnscale.com/digital.htm
Don't mill if you don;t have to. These two decoders will fit 90% of pre-dcc split frame engines.
The club im in picked up one of these bad boys: https://www.amazon.com/Cross-Slide-Milling-Machine-Holding/dp/B009UP2VZS - Fits your average tabletop drill press (we picked up a used one for 50 bucks).
Hmm, that has some interesting design decisions. The vice handle and y-axis handle are on opposite sides. This will make it either hard to adjust in Y or to get the part in and out. Then there’s the issue of drill press bearings not being designed for the lateral forces that milling machines experience. It will probably work for a while, especially in light use. But it’s not really a solution I’d recommend. On the other hand, if you want to drill a bunch of precisely spaced holes, this looks like it could do that.