Author Topic: Sometimes it's hard to be an N scaler  (Read 6149 times)

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Re: Sometimes it's hard to be an N scaler
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2018, 04:16:13 PM »
Yep, totally missed it Pete, in fact, as there was nothing in the box but what looked exactly like a Shapeways print, packaged the same way, and the original design was clearly still on Shapeways, I had no idea where it came from until I studied a very tiny return label on the box for "out of the box" and also found out from the original designer was up to here.......ohhhhhhh......

Bottom line it's still the best print I've ever seen, even if I'm not exactly sure how its done or what the stuff is.

I did some work with David Cutting too, and the frustration we both experienced with Shapeways FUD prints and the inability to get a smooth finish out of a design contributed to his decision.   Lots of headwinds.

But yeah, if you've been turned off by striations and lousy finish and all the other stuff, look over there for another way to print.   I'll probably have photos up of this project as it develops.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2018, 04:21:52 PM by randgust »