Author Topic: Has anyone built a BendTrack layout with Unitrack?  (Read 989 times)

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Has anyone built a BendTrack layout with Unitrack?
« on: July 09, 2018, 11:09:00 AM »
Just wondering if it would be possible to build BendTrack modules using Kato Unitrack?
You wouldn't need to used joiner track between modules ans you would just have to remove the joiner connection and the tracks could but up against each other. This would be a simple way for someone to get started who is not adept at laying track. The balloon modules could use the 16/15 or 18 7/8-17 5/8 super-elevated curved track for a broader radius. The Unitrack is bulletproof.



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Re: Has anyone built a BendTrack layout with Unitrack?
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2018, 12:13:20 PM »
Several years ago I had someone approach me asking me the same question.
I told him that there was no reason not to.  The only issue was if you were planning the connect their modules with another group you would have to build a simple adaptor module with Unitrack on one end and standard (or matching) track on the other end, or use their snap track adaptor sections.

If I recall, he was planning to use Kato's Expansion track for the joints?

Using a larger radii on the balloons is never a bad thing.