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An F7 can stand in if necessary, but an FP7 is a little longer. It is not noticeable by itself but if you park it next to an Intermountain FP7, it is noticeable.
And this is the problem with manufacturers releasing foob releases (ala Lowell Smith) and people gobbling them up just 'to support the manufacturer." It's like selling your soul. You only perpetuate the notion that manufacturers can treat N scalers as second class, 'oh, they'll take what we give them' citizens. I get that consumer ethos was more acceptable during the early years of N scale, but if we want to be a mature consumer base we need to start putting our foot down. Especially those of us who want prototypical models, like the EB and NCL or any other name train.I'm not saying we have to scream every time the lift rings are wrong, the number of fan blades are off, or the horn is in the wrong place, but when a manufacturer tries to pass a paint scheme on a model the RR never had or, on the wrong passenger cars, we should get dickish abut it and not buy, at this point.
Just the opposite problem seems to be keeping Kato from re-releasing their F-units in NYC, PRR, etc.
And this is the problem with manufacturers releasing foob releases (ala Lowell Smith) and people gobbling them up just 'to support the manufacturer." It's like selling your soul. You only perpetuate the notion that manufacturers can treat N scalers as second class, 'oh, they'll take what we give them' citizens. I get that consumer ethos was more acceptable during the early years of N scale, but if we want to be a mature consumer base we need to start putting our foot down. Especially those of us who want prototypical models, like the EB and NCL or any other name train.
I think there is a very distinct difference between the Con-Cor approach and what Lowell Smith is doing.
Are you referring to the Con-Cor approach from many years ago, when they sold "complete" passenger trains, but overlooked prototypical accuracy on actual cars?
Yes, exactly!
Speaking of which, the eBay listing that started this thread is no longer available so we can't see what you guys were talking about.
I'll agree that the CC NCL was a big disappointment, but some of the cars were close, and until MicroScale came out with NP passenger decals it was the only option.Even today, if one wants an NP or GN dome-coach, CC is the only option that doesn't require considerable, and relatively expensive, kitbashing.
I believe Lowell will try to be as accurate as he can. Some might say they will be very expensive but I will point out Rapido which sell very nice passenger cars for $50+. A 20 car train would cost you more than $1000. The era they are aiming for a 20 car passenger train is not that uncommon. Even a 10 car train, plus engines, will not be cheap. A 13 car Super Chief with an ABBA set of F's will set you back a lot.