Author Topic: Couple New ESU Sound Files Out  (Read 825 times)

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Couple New ESU Sound Files Out
« on: March 24, 2018, 08:54:22 PM »
Looks like a couple new sound files just came out from ESU. One's a 2nd version of the Alco 12cyl 244 and the other is apparently a 3rd version of the EMD 16cyl 567C. This 567C offering sounds perhaps a little more throaty than the V1 release, judging by the sample. That said, the original V1 release sure sounds spot-on to how I remember SP SD9's sounding as they roamed right past the end of our street...although that version seems to have some sort of issue with the random compressor not continuing to fire after the DB's are activated. John, curious as to what you think of this new file as I remember you saying you spent a lot of time around SD9's too.