OOPS - yeah, Loewy, not "Lowry."
I got my truck spacing info from the same sources as Missaberoad. Back when Matthew Myers was thinking about doing an FM shell for his Shapeways store, I suggested that the VO-1000 mechanism was "close enough" and I still think that, but I'm not particularly a rivet-counter kind. I suspect that if Atlas ever did one, they'd do a new mechanism based on the VO-1000 design, but with the correct truck spacing. I'd happily take a single shell version, too, but again some folks would complain, and the Loewy version does look substantially different from the "simplified" version. So maybe two shells: one Loewy and one simplified?
The NKP had several of the FM switchers in all versions, and I've been tempted by the Shapeways shell; but I've got too much going on right now to pursue it. I was sure that when Bill Denton completed his stunning Milwaukee units from the Shapeways shells (see the other thread on Shapeways FM shells), Atlas or Bachmann would immediately produce one
Wrong . . .
John C.