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OK, the over the top bashing is starting to get a little old. Let's have some data points here, otherwise known as "photos or it doesn't exist."First up, we have the BLI official product photos of both the N scale and HO scale cars:Next up, prototype photos courtesy of Bill's Pennsy Photos:In comparing these photos, I see the following:The overall rendered detail and quality of the casting is very good, and far superior to anything produced in the '70s or '80s. (That's not to say that all the nicely rendered detail is accurate.)As noted ad nauseam, the N scale car is one solid casting, and no attempt was made to cover that fact. This is a significant difference from the artwork, HO scale model, and every expectation that BLI put forward before releasing the car.Also as noted ad nauseam, the stirrups on the N scale model are filled in, unlike the HO model or prototype.The ride height of the N scale model is markedly higher than either the HO scale model or the prototype.The metal cross braces on the prototype are pretty darn thick, and I actually don't think the N scale rendition of those details is too far off.The ladders on the N scale model are grossly oversized. Not too badly for a $15 car, but unreasonably so on a $70 car.The roof walk on the N scale model is getting kind of thick. Again, not objectionably so for a $15 dollar car, but for $70, both the roofwalk and ladders should have been etched metal or some other process that would allow finer renditions.On both the N and HO models, there are a series of notches along the center horizontal rail. Those appear to be incorrect renditions of braces clearly visible on the prototype.The N scale model doesn't have a panel for the herald, and the HO Scale model kind of half-there.Overall, after comparing the photos, I think the two biggest sins are the solid body construction (which I believe borders on false and misleading advertising) and the ride height. If they were able to lower the car and at least conceal the solid body construction, I think this product would be orders of magnitude better. As others have said, the final N scale car kind of looks like a wonky outside-braced boxcar.
The photo of the one on e-bay looks worse than their company photo.
People here are posting like it's the worst looking model ever made, but there are many poorer models out there. I think the solid sides make the model look much worse than it actually is.
I'm as disappointed as anyone but we could throttle back a hair on the vitriol.With respect to others who have decreed that they will never buy another BLI product, I must also disagree. ...
OK, besides the readers digest TOYS, what model(s) are worse?To me, this is a HUGE FAIL on BLI's part, I wouldn't pay 5 bucks for that thing they're calling a stock car, sounds or no sounds.Heck,.I wouldn't even take 5 bucks from BLI to put it on my layout!
Carefull... I'd almost call the Reader's Digest cars an improvement..Lets also consider this model.. (Hallmark Lionel 'Stock Car')~Ian
Haha, I agree with you!....Though I was thinking more of the gp35-ish locomotive...Do any of the other stock car models look as bad as the BLI?..
Hey I didn't say it looked good haha. They're bad, just not as bad as some of the hyperbole here, IMO. I see what you all mean about the ride height. I based my opinion on the Klien photo, which is more top down. The grabs are bad, but no worse than on the recently released IM war emergency boxcars. And if you think they're clunky now, just think what they'd be like molded on. I shudder to think about trying to remove them. From the few pictures I've seen, the wooded boards on the ends look about like the Rapido reefer's boards, and no one has a problem with that model. If this car had open slats, actual stirrups and better ride height I bet most modelers would give it a B/B-/C+ instead of its solid F-. Personally, even unchanged I'd rate the Atlas Trainman wannabe PS1 worse, mostly due to that atrocious door it has.
Negative post fairy strikes again!