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I'm going to give these a try they sold out too fast at MBK, here's a picture they have on Facebook of the weathered N scale ties. https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/t31.0-8/fr/cp0/e15/q65/12496291_10153694689750660_1659675717550788703_o.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9
Those look good. I would be more interested in them in a Code 40 version, however. The "uneven ties" is a very nice touch... but only when modeling lesser trackage such as sidings, yards and shortlines. The depiction of varying maintenance attention would be out of place on a heavy Class I mainline.
As usual, actual on-site research often proves model-railroad-"truisms" as being not so true....
But track needs two rails.
With that said, I'm a little leary of rail held in place entirely by glue, even pliobond. I'll want to hear of people's experience.
The CVM ties strips don't use glue....
I thought that people said upthread that the rail is glued to the ties. Am I missing something?
In HO there are 3 types of ties, one of them does have the pushover pins to hold the rail. Follow this link http://www.cvmw.com/cvt.htm it shows all 3 tie strips. I use the branchline type strips