Author Topic: Weekend Update 12/13/15  (Read 8262 times)

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mark dance

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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2015, 05:17:24 PM »
Hmmmmm...maybe I should invest in a laser cutter?!  It would beat all this fiddly X-acto blade work around the windows of the Castlegar station!  Photo below is a trial assembly around the styrene skeleton.  So far, so good. (apologies for the quick cell phone snap...)

More walls and sub-walls constructed this week as well as the Operator bay.  Nearly ready for paint and detailing while I await the asphalt shingle material for the roof and awning.

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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #16 on: December 12, 2015, 05:24:52 PM »
Wow, very happy to hear you're ok and that the pup will eventually be fine... did you get a make and model, plate number, colour of the hit and run...? Anything at all to help the authorities catch this piece of excrement who didn't stop...?  My cop buddies are rather fond of nabbing those gutless types that hit and run; sure your local LEO's will be too..... Hope everything turns out well for you guys.....

I located the lower grill insert and a chunk or bumper plastic. My initial reaction was 2002 dark Corolla. After running the parts online, it belongs to a after market vender (read cheap Chinese Knockoff of official parts). It's a 2009-2010 metallic Kelly Green corolla with significant bumper damage.

Now I could find this person with this info but it would take hours and several trips ti view the potential suspect cars - a resource that the Framingham Police do have. The problem is that it is strictly against the code of conduct for running people in my position. So I have to let it go or I could loose my job. This job is all about knowing when to let things go.

It would inly be a $50 fine for striking the animal and not reporting it.

I did what I'm to . Now I have to let go.

Daisy is up and about a bit today. I would say her wounds were consistent with dropping your motorcycle at about 50.Our friend is in the way home in what must be the longest commute to a vet clinic in word history.
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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #17 on: December 12, 2015, 05:32:55 PM »
My model railway stuff arrived by ship last week. Slowly unpacking, but everything is intact (including several very delicate bridge spans).   My CRS 20 has the most un-canadian backdrop of subtropical vegetation, posed on the veranda of my 415 sq ft rental house in Auckland.   

I suspect I will focus on building accumulated kits for a while before thinking about layouts.  Very much enjoying the mild climate and gainful employment, the 2 things that Calgary has neither of presently
« Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 05:37:09 PM by BCRail_FSJ »
Attempting Canadian prototype modelling in Australia

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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2015, 05:36:40 PM »

Sorry to hear about what happened to you and the dog. 


Nice looking G32C's.  I hope to pick up at least one of these with the next release from ESM.



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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #19 on: December 12, 2015, 08:18:09 PM »
My model railway stuff arrived by ship last week. Slowly unpacking, but everything is intact (including several very delicate bridge spans).   My CRS 20 has the most un-canadian backdrop of subtropical vegetation, posed on the veranda of my 415 sq ft rental house in Auckland.   

I suspect I will focus on building accumulated kits for a while before thinking about layouts.  Very much enjoying the mild climate and gainful employment, the 2 things that Calgary has neither of presently

I love your CRS20s.



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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #20 on: December 12, 2015, 08:25:24 PM »
so sorry to hear of these events.
I hope she recovers fully and I am
thankful that you were willing to
prevent this in the way you did.
But, still very, very thankful that
you escaped being struck.
shame on the driver of that car
thoughts and prayers


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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2015, 01:10:51 AM »
I located the lower grill insert and a chunk or bumper plastic. My initial reaction was 2002 dark Corolla. After running the parts online, it belongs to a after market vender (read cheap Chinese Knockoff of official parts). It's a 2009-2010 metallic Kelly Green corolla with significant bumper damage.

Now I could find this person with this info but it would take hours and several trips ti view the potential suspect cars - a resource that the Framingham Police do have. The problem is that it is strictly against the code of conduct for running people in my position. So I have to let it go or I could loose my job. This job is all about knowing when to let things go.

It would inly be a $50 fine for striking the animal and not reporting it.

I did what I'm to . Now I have to let go.

Daisy is up and about a bit today. I would say her wounds were consistent with dropping your motorcycle at about 50.Our friend is in the way home in what must be the longest commute to a vet clinic in word history.

Sorry to hear about this unfortunate accident.
In many instance of hit-and-run accidents drivers doesn't stop because they are driving with a suspended driver's license, unregistered car, have arrest warrant issued for them, or are DUI.

Instead of trying to get the driver's information the way you mentioned, why not officially report it to the police and give them the car parts you found at the scene?  Wouldn't they at least follow up on it themselves?
. . . 42 . . .


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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2015, 01:58:25 AM »
Dog sitting for a good friend. She out her 4 point harness and ran into the roadway. I dived  after her and was nearly hit by a car. She wasn't so lucky. F*cking guy drove away. I was close enough so I know he must have thought he hit me. Accidents happen but I'm really upset that he didn't stop.

Spent 6 hours at the emergency vets. Looks like he will make it but she's in rough shape. She got spun directly under the tire and hit hard enough to take half his bumper cover out. Friends now have to fly back from Thailand.

I feel terrible.

Yeah I know not train related...

You're a good man, Charlie Brown, err, I mean Daniel.  I'm fiscally recouping from a $4.5K vet bill from my cat stage diving off the 3rd story balcony still.  She's out of the cast now and doing fine, but I will be paying for a while longer.  With love, pets are very resilient.
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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2015, 12:50:45 PM »
Found a wild patch of babys breath or close to it in Gainesville, TX yesterday.

Chuck Geiger


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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2015, 01:54:32 PM »
Sorry to hear about this unfortunate accident.
In many instance of hit-and-run accidents drivers doesn't stop because they are driving with a suspended driver's license, unregistered car, have arrest warrant issued for them, or are DUI.

Instead of trying to get the driver's information the way you mentioned, why not officially report it to the police and give them the car parts you found at the scene?  Wouldn't they at least follow up on it themselves?

Resources are very limited in cases like thus. Yes I gave the car description, part code numbers and the like. There are just a few problems: After market parts companies come and go with insane frequency as when they are sued for substandard product, they just show up somewhere else. They also do not catalog the serials and do not keep track what shop received what part block.

So the result would be me running all green 09-10 Corollas in Framingham. Maybe 50-150 matches and visually inspect the bumper of each one for damage. Not something a cop has time for, especially if it is just a $50 fine.

He'll get away with it. Daisy will live. And I have to let go.
There's a shyness found in reason
Apprehensive influence swallow away
You seem to feel abysmal take it
Then you're careful grace for sure
Kinda like the way you're breathing
Kinda like the way you keep looking away

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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2015, 02:07:13 PM »
I just finished the SW1 that's been on my "most wanted" list for a long time.
Kudos to Arnold for building a very nice mechanism.
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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #26 on: December 13, 2015, 02:10:42 PM »
I just finished the SW1 that's been on my "most wanted" list for a long time.
Kudos to Arnold for building a very nice mechanism.

Beautiful job.


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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #27 on: December 13, 2015, 02:13:00 PM »
It was weathering weekend for me.
BANTRAK's annual show at the B&O museum is coming up, and I had a bunch of freight cars that needed to get added to the "operational" fleet.

So, here's the weekend's work. None of them are masterpieces, but they all look like they've been earning their keep.

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mark dance

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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2015, 02:31:13 PM »
I just finished the SW1 that's been on my "most wanted" list for a long time.

Absolutely beautiful work.

Youtube Videos of the N Scale Columbia & Western at: markdance63
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Re: Weekend Update 12/13/15
« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2015, 03:39:52 PM »

That's a nice model... reminds me of the first time I saw a Southern SW1 when it was making a light move from Asheville, N.C. to Salisbury with only a caboose because it couldn't be moved as a part of a freight.  A lot of SW1s found use on light shortlines and spent many years in such service... maybe I need to rethink what power I need to use on one of my freelanced shortline connections... B )
« Last Edit: December 13, 2015, 06:21:46 PM by jmlaboda »