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Layout swapping... It's just like the 70s. Just leave your throttle in the brandy snifter to see which railroad you're going to go home with...
If it were mine, I would have built the layout up on top of that foundation "shelf." Not only would it be closer to eye level, but you could take advantage of that free square footage up there, which would enlarge the aisle. The only problem would be the sump pump pipe, which the layout could go behind, although I suspect that pipe could be moved so that it turns and runs to the stud wall below the level of the shelf Then, you would just divert it within the wall cavity to get back to the exit point near the ceiling.
Never did cash in on Jerry's fire sale.If you haven't checked his blog on Keystone Crossings lately, it's worth your time. Lewistown hawtness.So Josh, are you going to keep it as-is or change season/locale? I think it's also a good candidate for the Bald Eagle branch which was pretty damned busy back in the 50s.For slightly less operational stress, consider the L&T secondary or the Montandon secondary (think Bellefonte Central interchange!).
I'm open to suggestions, Dave. I may be an okay guy at building models and weathering stuff, but this is where my lack of knowledge shines. What do you guys think? One thing I don't want to do is shoehorn too much stuff in there. I'm open to ideas and discussion!! Lay it on me, fellas!
I got some of Jerry's track via John B.
I can't claim any chunks of layouts, but I do have some of Lee's buildings and cars, including the Hard Hat. I've also got some of Jerry's BF-16's. I guess even out here in CA we're not immune to the STDs going around.
LOL.Agree 100%. Here's the deal, we're renting this house for 2 more years and don't know where we are going after that. I had to keep this on the cheap end. I think we put $50 in to materials for the bench work. I'm open to suggestions, Dave. I may be an okay guy at building models and weathering stuff, but this is where my lack of knowledge shines. What do you guys think? One thing I don't want to do is shoehorn too much stuff in there. I'm open to ideas and discussion!! Lay it on me, fellas! As far as seasons go, I'm good with winter, but I may turn the calendar forward a little but to late fall. Or I might try to add some snow or frost. The shelf is in 3 sections, the end curves and the single track main in the center. Maybe I could model a scenery transition or something.
If your basement leaks, you could just put it on the floor and model June 1972
Hey @Hornwrecker! What do you think about the scenery?