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I wonder what it would take to backdate this puppy to an SC (or an SW, the only difference being welded rather than cast frame). Two offset stacks instead of one, small high grilles, what else? I believe the overall dimensions are identical? Thoughts, anyone?
All claims of "state of the art" aside and given the small size of the SW1, I seriously hope hornby will consider a proven electrical pickup design (I am scared that they might repeat the primitive pickup used on the U25C)
In my opinion, there really has not been enough time to tell if the U25C pickup is a success.
Maybe someone could ask modellers in Europe how that power pick up system works for them, for years already in all their Minitrix, Roco, Flischmann models.Jane
You kinda missed the point - My post was about pickup, not how the loco looks. Arnold has already shown us they can make a great looking model in the U25c.
No, not really. Just countering the negativism.
...that 'it can't be done' opinion purely due to size. It can
I only post this in the effort to dissuade that 'it can't be done' opinion purely due to size.
John: I was wondering about the S2 as well. With an improved mechanism it would be a good loco. Mine ran fine, once I replaced the wheels and their cracked gears. The only reason I don't use it is that it couldn't take the (ridiculous) vertical curves on my coal company's switchback. On any normal grade it works fine. The MiniTrix FM doesn't mind the grade changes at all...