So I have recently acquired a Loksound Select Micro for my N Kato P42, and I have some questions.
First off this is a sweet sounding decoder, almost rivals my HO Tsunami Equipped P42.. I say almost cause the Tsunami seems to program alot easier... anyways...
When hit F2 on my MRC Prodigy Advance I get the Horn and the bell... which I suppose is prototyipical but I really want to just enjoy the K5LA unintruded by the bell. is there a way to shut this feature off? I have downloaded/printed a Manual for the decoder and have yet to see anything how to program that feature or turn it off...
Also I have used the original light board for the installation, all i had to do was cut some of contacts on the board to isolate the commons for the LED's and part of the left and right pickups... but during testing of the unmodified board both LED's worked great, but when i wired in the decoder the front LED no longer works. and i did check it to make sure it works using a DC powerpack after i unsoldered it, and yup works just fine. I do have a nagging feeling that maybe its wired backwards on the board itself... could it be the decoder is faulty and doesnt have a FX for the FWD LED?
Any thoughts?