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Jason, now I understand what you are trying to achieve, but are the entire walkways that thick or just the edges? That car does look like the MT car (with Delrin walkways).
It the entire walkway. Keep in mind that it doesn't have as many supports as a boxcar. On this particular car they are about 7' apart so the walkway would need to be thicker.
As for it looking like the MTL car, if the 10' difference in length still looks the same to you, I won't judge.
The other problem I see with the sides of photo-etched material (whether you use a single piece or a sandwich) is that the sides of etched items are not straight - they are slightly curved due to the etching process. With double-etched parts, there is also little raised rib in the center of the thickness. That will never look like the prototype (which is a perfectly flat surface).
It is kind of hard to judge the car length from the photo you provided.
Which comes back to the original questions that started this thread. I still think the double etching is the best way to proceed for now. I guess I'll just have to see how it all works.
Even double-etched, you still end up with the side wall looking like this: