Author Topic: Ballard Why v2.0  (Read 14402 times)

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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #75 on: December 15, 2014, 02:32:27 AM »
Wow, that was a week. after Jim and I got the foam installed, I gave it all a coat of drywall mud.... Cold in the garage,
drywall mud doesn't like to dry in the sub 60d in the garage. 'Doh.
I gathered up the heaters that I had and put them right on the modules pointed at the mud.
While this was going on I mixed up some "Mold a Scene" stuff that I found in a goody bag.
Thought It would be more like sculptamold, but it was more like wet sawdust.
I used this on the thicker areas and the cookie cuts on the upper level over some screen wire.
I was skeptical, but eventually it dried hard and worked out OK. I used up the small bag I had and will probably not use this stuff again, as it was too hard to smooth.
OK for rough textured areas.
After the mud dried (and of course cracked in the thick spots) I smoothed ( ?) it with a wet sponge and filled the cracks, then laid the heat to it.
While this dried, I painted the retaining walls and bridge abutments with Polyscale concrete. That took me to late Friday night.
Sat, I smoothed (sp?) the mud one last time and hit any spots with some 20m Hot Mud. I wanted to make sure that the white mud was painted to avoid the
"Oh Look it Snowed!" comments for the next week, so I needed some paint that wasn't going to be Baby S#*t brown.
So I looked at what I had and found Aged Concrete, Mud, and Rust. I mixed one bottle of Aged Concrete, 1/2 bottle of Mud and a Splash of Rust.
Lo and behold Baby S*#t brown! so I thinned it as much as I could and coated the now warm and dry mud.
Had enough left over to spread some on the upper level plywood.
Had just enough time left to build a make shift frame so I could stack the both sections in my truck. Eventually they will have a home in a rack in our club trailer,
But until then they need to ride in the truck.
Here's where I left them Friday night at 10.


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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #76 on: December 15, 2014, 02:54:12 AM »
I put the modules in the truck at 4PM Sat and had enough time to shower, change and head to the annual MT Rainier N-Scale Christmas Party.
We ate some great food, and generally just told old war stories while the wives talked about us in the other room.

Sunday AM, hooked up the club trailer and headed to the Washington State History Museum in downtown Tacoma.
We have been doing the annual show, between Christmas and New Years Day since 1996. It's great to show our layout in such a nice environment.
Most of the guests are non model railroaders so its fun to see the reaction to people who have never seen anything like what we do.

So the New Ballard Why, or NBY is installed in the layout. There was a few adjustments in the track joints to make, but our cleaning trains
ran over it in every direction, on every track. There was one minor glitch found in the Yard throat to Mountain Line electronics, but JRB assures us it's a minor
Here we are in the layout. during set up.

After set-up. We still need to put the Velcro on the front for the skirting, and the club banner, so it's still a little raw.
Sorry for the photos, but the room is very dark and I hurried the pics.

The show starts next Sunday, so I'll get some more shots with cool trains on it.
Thanks for looking ;)

Greg O.



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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #77 on: December 15, 2014, 03:20:53 AM »
That is an amazing piece of work.



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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #78 on: December 15, 2014, 06:50:24 PM »
Thanks Sam, still a lot more to do, but at least it works!

Greg O.


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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #79 on: December 16, 2014, 02:40:31 AM »
Oh boy Oh boy! oh Boy! It'll get high speed testing on Monday! I'm planning on bringing both my ICE and ICE3.....

Northern Pacific, Tacoma Division, 4th subdivision "The Prarie Line" (still in planning stages)


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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #80 on: December 16, 2014, 09:11:24 AM »
All right!  It will be a throwback to the Patten Bullet Train experience. :D


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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #81 on: December 16, 2014, 06:18:15 PM »
All right!  It will be a throwback to the Patten Bullet Train experience. :D

They aint that quick!  ;)
The ICE is a Fleischman model, and pinned out, it's really close to prototypical top speed. The ICE3 is a minitrix, so naturally it's a little faster than prototype.  :D

Northern Pacific, Tacoma Division, 4th subdivision "The Prarie Line" (still in planning stages)


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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #82 on: December 21, 2014, 08:48:43 PM »
The trains are running on the New Ballard Why at the Model Train Festival   8)

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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #83 on: December 21, 2014, 10:44:10 PM »
High speed tests commence tomorrow  :D

Northern Pacific, Tacoma Division, 4th subdivision "The Prarie Line" (still in planning stages)


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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #84 on: December 21, 2014, 10:58:42 PM »


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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #85 on: December 22, 2014, 02:17:44 AM »
Well as you can see the durn thing works! Kinda.
When I got there this mourning I found JRBenny2 in his usual position. There was a few wires that needed to get connected.
After we got John to the topside, I managed to get a 100 car train out on the red line. This is my usual test train to find all the
ski jumps and slipped rail joiners that can cause problems the rest of the week. I made a few track repairs and module adjustments
and got the train running smooth.

Here's Mr Benny in his natural environment.

After a few more laps on the red line, I decided to test one of the reasons for the new why; to be able to take a long train
up to the mountain line in one string. After coming in the yard from red, I switched to green and headed up the hill.
Here's the train with 4 IM FTs and 110 cars at the base of the grade. It's stretched down around the 18' of yard and around the Ladder loop.That's the caboose to the right of the engines and
GNTrains (Tom T) checking the progress

Here's the train at the top of the yard ramp and crossing onto the why. The bulkhead flat behind the power has a line level glued to it. It makes a good tool for finding track that needs to be
adjusted. Also, note the pretty Christmas Lights on the control panel. Al T. certainly had the spirit (or Spirits) when building this. The green indicate track routing and turnout positions.
Eventually when John and Al get tired of standing upright and seeing the topside of the layout, they will hook up our 3 track (Vic Fitzpatrick) multiple head signal system, which will show operators
routing from outside the layout.

Here's the train stretched out up the hill and around the corner. Pete Sanchez's Grandson Ryan is checking progress as a really useful engine waits in the hole.
the top of the grade is just under Ryan's right hand.

Here's the head end going through my corner module while Pete watches an 80 car UP reefer train test the outer main siding.
Sorry no pics of the Turbine on the head end.

Here's the train heading across the why from corner to corner while show guests look on. I managed to fix a few issues on the mountain line and ran up there
for about an hour. Pizza cutters, code 80 and a portable layout, the guests only like the long trains running, like the Honey Badger, they don't give a $%#&.

And here we are heading downgrade into the yard with John (in a vertical position) shows his approval. I'm heading for those two empty tracks on the west side
of the yard while two trains wait to enter and two trains wait to leave. I thought I would be cool and do a "Flying Five Finger Dutch Drop" to double my train on the two
tracks. Ya know, just show off a little. Ooops. misjudged a little and string lined 80 70t hoppers around the Ladder loop delaying the 4 trains. I did not put "Flying Five Finger Dutch Drop"
in the delay report to the Div Supt.!

So yes, it works. One problem we will have to address is that the throw wires on the Tortoise switch machines needs to be stronger.
Some of the turnouts won't throw completely against the stock rails.  We did manage to adjust them so they didn't cause trouble, they
still need to be fixed. I'm not looking forward to that.
Hey, everyone that has been following along, thanks for looking in on our progress. I know Ntrak is not for everyone, but I thought there might be
some useful things to share.
 After this show, we have about 6 weeks before the UNW show in Monroe, and we hope to have at least some of the scenery done.
I'll post some photos as we progress.
Thanks again for tuning in.

Greg O.

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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #86 on: December 22, 2014, 08:53:28 PM »
I stopped by the museum this morning. I was specifically seeking ought your guy's layout. The new wye looks great. As usual the highlight for my son was the Army modules. I gotta say seeing that new Kato FEF and excursion train was sweet too.



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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #87 on: December 23, 2014, 01:32:17 AM »
Glad you could make it, Jason, thanks!
John Patten's FEF was cool to see. I might want one for a D&H 300 series!
Another cool thing was that Mike (Delamaize) had his wifi-android gadgets there and two members, were
running trains with their smartphones. Moves us right into the 20th century. Guess I'm going to have to
turn in my rotary dial cell phone!
Greg O.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 01:44:29 AM by x600 »


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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #88 on: December 24, 2014, 12:56:32 AM »
The JMRI Wifi-Innabox was a success thats for sure!! We had I think 3 (including me) using the wifi system, with no problems! Also the Why got some high speed testing yesterday and today at the hands of this speed demon, and my ICE. everything went well, and I don't think I had any issues at all, other that a picked switch on a few passes on the Inside main (yellow line). the ICE ran for almost 1.5 house this evening on the outside main, (red line) with no issues at all. Overall, everything I threw at the wye worked well, with minimal problems.

Sorry for the late updates, but here is a few crappy videos.

Crappy vertical format is crappy

Fun times! my first day my ICE3 quit on me, Although I figured it out, so the next time I am able to make it to a show, I'm going to try to run it also  8)
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 03:39:52 AM by delamaize »

Northern Pacific, Tacoma Division, 4th subdivision "The Prarie Line" (still in planning stages)


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Re: Ballard Why v2.0
« Reply #89 on: January 16, 2015, 11:19:39 PM »
How is the Scenic Effects team doing?  Heard some great ideas at the Museum show and am looking forward to seeing them come to fruition.    8)