So I’m building this nifty etched brass Plymouth that
@Chris333 designed many moons ago, which sits atop a PowerMax chassis.
This is really only the second etched kit that I’ve built, but the construction has gone well enough.
I started yesterday afternoon, and have been working on it throughout today as well.
I also decided that I needed to install a working headlight, and DKS decided for me that I needed to make it so that the body can be removed from the chassis without having to unsolder any wires.
The cab has already been built as well, but I cannot permanently install it since it is also the access point for the screws which hold it onto the chassis.
This is as far as I got yesterday:
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Here’s the headlight. It is exactly 1 scale foot in diameter and sits 1.5 scale feet tall. It is lit with an 0201 LED.
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Here’s the interior of the hood. I packed it full of pure lead. In front, behind the radiator, sits a piece that I filed to perfectly fit the shape of the hood, and to that I glued a simple rectangle of lead when I found a had enough clearance between the first piece and the gears. You can also see the LED wires which were secured with packing tape into a slot between the two main slabs of led on the top of the hood.
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Here’s the chassis with the completed wiring. The 10k-ohm resistor will later be disguised as an electrical cabinet inside the cab. I would have used a smaller one if one had been immediately available, but this one was on hand so I just went with it.
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This one speaks for itself...
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