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I emailed BLI and they said we will be able to pre-order the H2A and H32's through the dealers starting next week, they are announcing them to distributors today.
Ebit posted a lengthy dissertation on Trainboard re how he redesigned his Kumata centipede. And as we all know, the guy's a bona fide genius, so you should be able to find some good ideas there -http://www.trainboard.com/grapevine/showthread.php?153324-Repowering-PRR-Centipede-by-Hallmark-Kumata&highlight=ebitRon Bearden had a similar project. Can't remember where he documented it, though. Here, maybe?Cheers,-Mark
Kinda don't like that I have to buy "packs" of them, but I'll wait and see.
ARA Hopper: Chris- You got your wish I am pretty sure, except they are coming in the Erie Diamond Logo.
I just got the distributor flyer today. DC only versions of the M1 no longer an option, only DCC/Sound. PCT001 through 007 part numbers.
+1 I model 1979 and would only need 1 or 2 H32's as far as the H2A's would like to get an N&W or 2 for a run through car as I model a little of Conrail and Chessie hence would need maybe 3 prr and 3 B&O and 1 Wabash would be cool. But 6 each is a little to many not only from a proto perspective but the wallet!!
I just got the distributor flyer today.
3 M1a's and 3 M1b's plus undec of each. They are the same as the originally announced Precision Craft versions.
I just got the distributor flyer today. DC only versions of the M1 no longer an option, only DCC/Sound. PCT001 through 007 part numbers.ARA Hopper: Chris- You got your wish I am pretty sure, except they are coming in the Erie Diamond Logo. The ARA and H2a hoppers are coming in 6 packs. The H32's are coming in 4 packs in PRR and sucessor roads.A total of 36 H2a numbers available for N&W between 2 schemes. B&O and PRR get 18 numbers. The non proto roads get a single 6 pack.In the ARA's B&O, C&O, and Milwaukee get 18 numbers in each. B&M, Katy, Erie and Mopac get 12 numbers.
Are the B&M ones the block herald or Minuteman?