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Let me guess.....table after table of old Tyco HO scale cabooses that you swear you've seen at least once before at previous train shows.
This is as close as it comes to a Christmas card on the layout.
PM sent.
...so at some point I can learn how to make car cards and waybills for ops.
One source for an easily understandable system is in Bruce Chubb's "How to Operate Your Model Railroad."It's out of print, but copies show up on eBay every now and then. Here's one now, with free shipping:http://www.ebay.com/itm/How-To-Operate-Your-Model-Railroad-Bruce-A-Chubb-/121223266647?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c39784157Hmm... I've invented myown operating system. Istill have to get the bugs(termites, I hope) out of it...
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